This comedy animation is based on the games NARUTO X BORUTO NINJA VOLTAGE, Among Us, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven, One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows, Death Note: Kira Game, One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4.
Hopefully you can enjoy in my parody animation world.
#amongusanimation #jojo
14.02.2024The death note doesnt work on saitama you
14.02.2024Dio is a vampire. So even a heart attack wouldn't kill him.
14.02.2024Saitama is too much
14.02.2024Luffy came in clutch ❤
14.02.2024Luffy can never get heart attack
14.02.2024La death note gobierna sobre la muerte las 3 almas que poseen los mortales mata a cualquoer mortal
14.02.2024Vc esqueceu que o Dio é um vampiro ele não morre.a não ser que destrua o corpo dele
14.02.2024Bro luffy won’t die from a death note I thought like a car hit you down or a building fall on you or you die by a knife falling from the sky
14.02.2024Then luffy gets up with his awakening
14.02.2024Weakest one between Saitama or the guy from jojo
13.02.2024Saitama is ossom 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
13.02.2024Team Saitama
13.02.2024Soy asi😑 todos metemen
13.02.2024how tf does this have 10m likes
13.02.2024Ichigo a shinigami he cant be hurt by bullets 😅
13.02.2024I maybe not the main character like them but i am the greatest villian
– dio brando
13.02.2024Saitama is so storng
13.02.2024Baby death note is dor babys
12.02.2024You need the last name so light is a loser
12.02.2024What the fuck is that crap
12.02.2024first guy make mistake when not killed Yagami in the time stop.
12.02.2024😂😂 light forgot that needs full name of saitama
12.02.2024The power of satiama😂😂
12.02.2024Poor ichigo😂😂
12.02.2024Saitama never die😂
12.02.2024قدرت سایتاما😂😂😂😂
12.02.2024le premier je sais pas c'est quelle anime ?
One piece
Death note
One punch man
11.02.2024That's why Saitama's my favorite😂❤
11.02.2024Saitama is immortal 😌😌🤣🤣no one can kill him
11.02.2024Wait why Ichigo dead?? He already grim ripper
11.02.2024Luffy would lost 1st
11.02.2024Bankai 💀
11.02.2024Saitama is not Dead
11.02.2024Naruto who would have just ran straight to the end
11.02.2024There are mistakes
1 Ichigo can kich asses of both naruto and the creator of vedio
2 no one knows full name of Saitama
11.02.2024I think Saitama has a natural magic resistance
11.02.2024Saitama was dies
10.02.2024Everything has it's limit death note also has it's limit saitama is stronger then death note book
10.02.2024بليتش افلام مفضل هاذا ضلم موتو 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
10.02.2024No, I don't think Dio will die so easily.
10.02.2024who is the one who stopped time?
What anime is?
10.02.2024muda muda